Sam's Club will be deploying autonomous AI floor scrubbers — made by Brain Corp and Tennant Company — to all of its US-based stores amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The warehouse chain has already been using hundreds of these robot floor scrubbers in many of its clubs nationwide. But now, the company will be purchasing an additional 372 units, placing a robot janitor in all of its almost 600 US stores starting this fall.
The dual purpose autonomous floor scrubbers will also be equipped with Brain Corp's new "Shelf Analytics Accessory" that can analyze inventories on the stores' shelves.
According to Brain Corp, Sam's Club's decision to expand its usage of the autonomous floor scrubbers with the shelf analytics accessory came after a six-month proof-of-concept trial.
"The potential of robots, AI, and data working in concert throughout an in-store environment can only be realized by proven, commercial technology," Brain Corp CEO Dr. Eugene Izhikevich said in a statement. "Sam's Club recognizes the scale of this opportunity and we are proud to be selected as part of their connected club initiatives."

Sam's Club's parent company, Walmart, has also been using autonomous floor scrubbers in many of its stores nationwide.

Source: Walmart, Brain Corp
Brain Corp has already distributed over 14,000 robots to a variety of locations — including malls, airports, and hospitals — that have encompassed three million hours of autonomous work, according to the company.

The robot janitors are powered by Brain Corp's BrainOS technology and are being manufactured by the company's partner, cleaning product producer Tennant Company.

Sam's Club will be using the Tennant T7AMR with the Shelf Analytics Accessory add-on.

This shelf scanning add-on — which is "cloud-connected"— checks pricing, planograms, and the products' stocks.

According to Brain Corp, the accessory can be easily attached to the autonomous floor scrubbers.

Brain Corp currently has three commercial floor cleaning models: the ICE RS26, the Minuteman Roboscrub 20, and the Tennant T7AMR Rider-Scrubber.